Sony MediaSoftware Cinematic Funk Urban Tone Poems WAV ACiD 英文正式版(音效素材)
Sony MediaSoftware Cinematic Funk Urban Tone Poems WAV ACiD 英文正式版(音效素材)
Sample CDs 與 LOOPs 音色取樣光碟的朋友又有福了,在 BBS 很多同好跟 HoneR
建議多收藏一些 Sample CDs 與 LOOPs 音色取樣光碟的朋友,小弟沒讓你們失望
了吧,這套音色取樣的特色有著多變化的生成套件工具與 Loops 形態音色播放,
With Westside Underground and Underground Soundlab, producer and multi-
instrumentalist Henry Willis (aka lukecage) illuminated the darkest corners
of hip-hop's street doctrine. On Platinum Theory and Diamond Cuts, Henry
brought the club to your desktop, dressing up his sessions with flossy
beats and global consciousness. On Cinematic Funk: Urban Tone Poems,
Lukecage turns the studio lights down low and revisits his jazz and classic
R&B roots to full effect. The main focus here is progressive: double bass
parts, delicious acoustic piano musings, overdriven 70's fusion piano in
righteous Zawinul homage, and acoustic drum kit sounds and percussion
sections?n addition to all the conked vinylisms, heavy Akai beats, and
multicultural footnotes that every rekkid hunter and producer appreciates.
Fifteen construction kits will put you on the road to reason in a day. Once
enlightened, branch out the funk and hook it up to our whole Loops and
Samples catalog. Inside ACID software, our hip-hop titles make an endless
urban soundtrack that will never fail to inspire rhyme.